Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back Home

Back Home
Well, it was a fantastic adventure that I will never forget. Thank you Mark and Richard for this wonderful Retirement Gift. You two are awesome and I will never forget the time I had.

Hope you all enjoy my blog. Thank you to Britt for setting up the Home page for me. I want to tell everyone that views this how to proceed to see it in order. Go to the Archive Section (June 32) and advance each day through the postings. Then, if you want you can go back and see the Older Posts that show what I sent from the ship.

Send me your comments. Hugs everyone. Carolyn, Mom, Bammy, Ween

Southampton, England

Sat 06/05/10
Southampton, England
As we docked at the pier in Southampton, the Grand Princess came past us and boy was I impressed. The trip to the airport was freeway all the way and I didn't get to see anything except Heathrow. I must get back to London. It is on my bucket list.

Last night in Cornwall, UK

Fri 06/04/10
Cornwall, UK
Melinda Lee had a Farewall Cocktail Party for her group. We had champagne, appetizers and said goodbye to all our friends. It was fun and she was wonderful.

Cornwall, UK

Fri 06/04/10
Cornwall, UK
Forgot to mention this was settled by the Cornish adventurers where they made a living (of course) selling fish.

Cornwall, UK

Cornwall, UK (England)
I took an excursion bus through the magnificent countryside and seascape to a little fishing village first settled over 200 years ago. The streets were so narrow we had to park in a lot up the hill and take a shuttle into town. Very small vehicles could go through but I don't know why. We hardly had room to walk on the cobblestone streets alongside of them. It was so crowded. It was interesting but boy, do I like Balboa better. They should see that!!

Cornwall, UK

Fri 06/04/10
Cornwall, UK (England)

Midleton, Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Midleton, Ireland
I took an excursion bus to the Jameson Distillery just because a friend of mine wanted a special reserve only sold here. It was a really interesting tour and I did find just what I was looking for. Here is the entrance to the famous distillery started by John Jameson who was an Irish Sailor turned whiskey maker who became very, very wealthy as a result.

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Cobh (Cork) Ireland
Here, I stop for a rest under a pergula. One of my friends wanted to catch me sitting down.

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Cobh (Cork) Ireland
Look at this Wisteria. I also saw the most beautiful bright yellow Wisteria which unfortunately I didn't take a picture of. Wow, was it beautiful.

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Cobh (Cork) Ireland
Here is a view of the private residence. I thought it looked very much like our homes in Calif.

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Cobh (Old Irish Spelling) (Pronounced Cork) Ireland
Cork was another one of my favorites. I didn't know the Irish spoke their own language (I think from the Celtic settlers) before England made them change to the English language. We were on a bus headed for a tour of a local resident that had a flair for gardening. His gardens are sometimes open to the public. He maintains his gardens by himself (so he said) Was hard to believe though.
The attached video was taken on the bus as we were traveling through the countryside and along the shoreline. Our tour guide told of how the Irish government gives perks and tax breaks to any family that will send their children to Irish schools where they speak the original Irish language and learn about the ancestry. She was sent to one of those schools and because she speaks Irish, receives government grants for her family that others don't. Here, she sings an old Irish tune in their native language.

Waterford, So Ireland

Wed 06/02/10
Waterford, So Ireland
I walked through the village to a really nice park where I met an older lady with her little dog. We talked about Becky and her dog and she asked me about California. She was very interested in the ship and said she had traveled to England but not to America where she always wanted to visit. She was very sweet and I enjoyed talking to her. Here is a view of our ship as we sat on the park bench. It was so much warmer here than the other parts of the Isles I had visited. It was probably 70 degrees here that day.

Waterford, So Ireland

Wed 06/02/10
Waterford, So. Ireland
When I heard that Waterford crystal was bought out by another company and isn't even produced her anymore, I decide just to take a tender into the village just outside Waterford. The excursion was just going to a Waterford Museum and store which I was not interested in. My walk through the village was delightful. Here are one of the typical homes of the past with the thatched roof.

Waterford, So. Ireland

Wed 06/02/10
Waterford, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland
Powerscourt Mansion was a great day. Here is a view among many, of the gardens.

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland
Powerscourt gardens. Everyone was quiet like this was a sacred place or something.

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland
This is a view of the rear of the Powerscourt Mansion from the gardens. The mansion was owned by the Mac Cleod family which was the wealthiest family in Ireland in the 1800's. It took 20 years to complete. Their home was the celebration place for all the world leaders that came to Ireland. The government housed and entertained the world leaders here to impress them and show how successful the Irish people were and to compete with the Royal hospitality of England and the United States. The family lost their wealth and were about to lose their mansion when the grandson married a lady that took it upon herself to travel to the US and elsewhere to find successful Irish families that migrated and who had became successful enough to contribute to the restoration of the mansion. She opened it up to the public creating shops, a restaurant and botanical gardens so it would pay for itself. The family then continued to live here for many more generations. I found this very interesting. Another female heron before they could even vote.

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Pubbing in Belfast

Mon 05/31/10
These are friends from the ship. The little fat guy was a local who was so happy to talk to us and have his picture taken. There were two guys playing Beetles music that were really terrific. There was a group of about 10 from the ship. We had a blast!

Belfast Capitol Bldg

Mon 05/31/10
This is the Capitol Bldg in Belfast, Ireland. This was a holiday and the kids were out of school so they were having an open air market. Can you imagine this going on in front of our Capitol? NOT!

Belfast, Ireland

Mon 05/31/10
Belfast, Ireland

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Our ship. The Regent Seven Seas Voyager anchored outside of Portree. How gorgeous is this?

Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland


Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Sun 05/30/10
Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, UK

Kirkwall, UK - Scotland
This was a bus ride through beautiful country to the Ancient Archeological findings of homes built underground by the Norsemen Adventures dating back to 5,000 years ago. It was amazing how they were able to stay warm a settle here.

Torshavn, Faroe Island, Denmark

Friday 05/28/10

Heimay, Iceland

Standing next to an old volcano with the ashes of the new one that just erupted in April and May of this year.

Heimay, Iceland

Heimay, Iceland
Hi Everyone. Well, I think I have finally organized pictures and videos enough to finish the blog I started on the ship. Below you will see some of the pictures and videos I took along my adventure on the Regent Seven Seas Voyager. I took almost 200 pictures but spared you all of that by highlighting points of interest each day. Wish you all could have gone with me. Taking a trip alone was something I always thought I wanted to do at least once in my life. Well, I completed this one on my bucket list but I probably won't do it again. Was really fun meeting new people but it's not like the old ones. Ha! Ha!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Beautiful little Reykjavik. No volcano in sight

Pulling into Heimay Island a fishing village

I am standing next to a volcano and lava field that erupted in 1972. My shoes are covered in volcanic ash and it is really cold but a great bus tour of this beautiful little island of Heimay.

Melinda Lee and the Executive Chef of the Seven Seas Voyager on a tour that was especially for our group. He employs 17 chefs and 56 helpers in his kitchen.

Melinda Lee and me. She is as sweet as I knew she would be.

Here we are in Torshavan, Denmark. Very interesting and cold!!!
These houses with the grass roofs were built in the 1500's. There's Pat my new friend from Michigan, Florida and Ohio. Yes 3 homes.

Here I am in front of one of these interesting houses in Torshavan. They are still lived in today. Notice the original stone streets. Amazing that they are so well preserved. Torshavan takes good care of their historic town because tourism next to fish exporting is what keeps this island alive.
Here I am in Portree, Isle of Skye. Outstanding beauty. This is our tour guide.

This is Dunvegan Castle on Portree. My first time in a real castle. Was owned by the famous MacCleod family. I saw my first real live dungeon where they dropped in the criminals. Scary and they were under the kitchen so they could smell the good food that they couldn't have. Sounds like maybe what we should do with some of our criminals. :-)

Here I am. Sorry you are all worried.

Hi Everyone: I am having so much fun and met so many new people. Today we are in Belfast and I am taking a shuttle to town soon and going to the Pubs tonight. Let's hope I make it back to the ship in time!!!!

I miss you all and especially B & B. Thanks for the update Mel. Please sign your comments as I can't tell whose writing sometimes. Now!!! I am going to try to download some photos.

Mike - I can't get into my cox.net acct. Please text me my sign in PW and I'll try again. Luv U Mom

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hi from Kirkwall

Hi everyone: I am on a wonderful ship and meeting all kinds of new friends. We are pulling in to Kirkwall, UK (Scotland) at the moment. I have an excursion set up this afternoon to visit one of the first villages settled by the Vikings. Should be very interesting. Later, I am going to try to post pictures. I can't at the moment. Just wanted you to know that I am doing fine. More later. Hugs. Carolyn

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Learning session from my granddaughter before I leave

I am following Brittany's instructions to post. Leaving tomorrow.

Bon Voyage!

Hi Family and Friends: I am almost packed and ready to head off to Europe on my cruise! Here is a copy of my Itinerary for my cruise. It can also be seen on the Regent Seven Seas website with a description of each port. I will do my best to update as often as I can with amazing pictures and stories. I am leaving early Tuesday and I am getting so excited. Hugs and Love to all. Carolyn

**PS - Thanks Mark and Richard for this amazing trip!!
  • May 25th - LAX to Seattle, to Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 26th Board the ship in Reykjavik Regent Seven Seas Voyage
  • 27th Heimaey, Iceland - Puffin Colony, volcanoes, farmland etc.
  • 28th Torshavn, Faeroe Islands, Denmark - settled by the Vikings, historical and yet very modern today.
  • 29th Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Scotland - Ancient treasures and castles
  • 30th Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland - Scenic drives through mtns, seaside's and landscapes. Museum of the island, where Vikings first settled in Scotland.
  • 31st Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • 1st Dublin, Ireland - Blarney Castle, etc.
  • 2nd Waterford, Ireland
  • 3rd Cobh, Ireland (Cork)
  • 4th Falmouth (Cornwall England) - Ancient land of the Celts, Cornish villages, landscape tours etc.
  • 5th Disembark in Southampton, UK and trip to Heathrow to return to LAX