Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cobh (Cork) Ireland

Thurs 06/03/10
Cobh (Old Irish Spelling) (Pronounced Cork) Ireland
Cork was another one of my favorites. I didn't know the Irish spoke their own language (I think from the Celtic settlers) before England made them change to the English language. We were on a bus headed for a tour of a local resident that had a flair for gardening. His gardens are sometimes open to the public. He maintains his gardens by himself (so he said) Was hard to believe though.
The attached video was taken on the bus as we were traveling through the countryside and along the shoreline. Our tour guide told of how the Irish government gives perks and tax breaks to any family that will send their children to Irish schools where they speak the original Irish language and learn about the ancestry. She was sent to one of those schools and because she speaks Irish, receives government grants for her family that others don't. Here, she sings an old Irish tune in their native language.

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