Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back Home

Back Home
Well, it was a fantastic adventure that I will never forget. Thank you Mark and Richard for this wonderful Retirement Gift. You two are awesome and I will never forget the time I had.

Hope you all enjoy my blog. Thank you to Britt for setting up the Home page for me. I want to tell everyone that views this how to proceed to see it in order. Go to the Archive Section (June 32) and advance each day through the postings. Then, if you want you can go back and see the Older Posts that show what I sent from the ship.

Send me your comments. Hugs everyone. Carolyn, Mom, Bammy, Ween

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, Mom -
    I have enjoyed your blog so much and your video skills are superb!!
    I am so glad you had a wonderful, memorable trip...you deserve it!!
